Præsentation (DK)

FN’s Internationale Flygtningedag Fotoudstilling af Angelina Devine Præsentation I anledning af FN’s Internationale Flygtningedag den 20. juni 2023 er fotograf Angelina Devine ved at arrangere en fotoudstilling, hvor hun ønsker at fremhæve de styrker, flygtninge verden over er tvunget til at finde i sig selv, når deres liv vendes på hovedet. Kun få dage efter at Rusland indledte sit angreb på Ukraine, rejste Angelina selv ned til den polsk-ukrainske grænse. Det gav hende ikke alene …

Presentation (EN)

U.N. World Refugee Day Photo Exhibition by Angelina Devine Presentation On the occasion of the U.N. World Refugee Day on June 20, 2023, photographer Angelina Devine has decided to arrange a photo exhibition in which she wants to emphasize the strengths refugees all over the world are forced to find within themselves as their lives are being turned upside-down. Just a few days after Russia began its aggression towards Ukraine, Angelina decided to visit the …

The inspiration

To explain how I got the inspiration for this portrait project, I need to tell you a story. I need to take you back, to one year ago, when Russia invaded Ukraine, and where I was, at this time. (Get ready, I won’t make this short!) The portrait project in short: I am going to photograph refugees living in Denmark, my focus will be on strength. The strength you have to find in yourself, when …