Gravid model søges!
De fleste af mine graviditetskjoler kommer fra Mii-Estilo - de har specialiseret sig i at lave smukke kjoler til fotografering. De har også fået skabt kjolen ingen ville eje - den grønne kjole. Da de ikke kunne få den solgt, besluttede de sig for den skulle på jordomrejse, fra fotograf til fotograf, for at vise, at selv med den lidt anderledes grønne farve, kunne der sagtens skabes smukke portrætter.
Den startede i Holland - og efter et par stop havnede den i New York, og lige nu, er den på vej tilbage til Europa, til mig her i Odense - og jeg glæder mig!
Til denne unikke kjole skal jeg bruge en model - en førstegangs gravid, omkring uge 33-34 lige nu - der kan komme til Odense i denne weekend (lørdag/søndag), tidligt morgen.
Modellen får:
- Gratis graviditetsfotografering
- Et gratis indrammet 18x24cm
- En gratis babyfotografering
- Et gratis indrammet 18x24cm af baby.

Linda var blandt de første der fik lov til at lege med den grønne kjole - hun fortæller her om hendes oplevelse med kjolen:
Hi there! Linda Olthoff is my name, i'm from The Netherlands and my business Linda Olthoff Fotografie is almost 3 years young now. I'm fully in growing mode and learn from every session and a few other online sources. I can be over the moon when a picture rolls out to be exactly what i wanted it to be.
So,.. about 'my' green dress; I actually really don't like the bright green color was what most of the Mii-Estilo clients told when Ingrid asked: 'who would buy this color dress?' Same for me, but then Mii-Estilo came up with a fantastic idea; let the dress travel all over the world so everyone can taste how this color works out and make their own story with it. I couldn't wait for the dress to come my way. When i heard my dear photographer friend Yvonne had her hands on the dress first, i had to have it, because she lives practically around the corner from me.
Lucky part 2 to make a story with the green dress, is me! The first thing that popped in mind with this toxic green color was 'skate ramp', because of all the bright and happy colors that graffiti brings along there. We actually have skate ramps in Beverwijk, where i live, so that's why i thought about it. With the fantastic idea from Yvonne to use actual graffiti for something 'Mii-Estilo-ish' on a ramp i was thrilled when this really turned out this way!
I had 1 day to find someone to do this for me, so at first i didn't believe i could make this work. When it did... the over the moon moment was there! I wanted to do something different then my own style and it sure is different, have a look yourself and let me know what you think.
I'm sooo curious to see other results with the dress, so Angelina; bring your Green Dress game on!!
It's a delight to be part of The Story Of The Green Dress, special thanks to Mii-Estilo to give me this chance!
Click to see more of my work (other dress colors though...haha):

Lige før kjolen var hos mig - var den i New York hos Christina Marotto - her er hendes historie om den grønne kjole:
Hi everyone, I am Christina Marotto, from Passera Fine Arts Portraits in New York City. I saw the green dress in Mii Estilo's facebook group for photographers a little after they posted it and thought what a great dress this would be for darker skin. By this point so many people had commented on the dress saying it was so tacky and awful so the company decided to send it travelling around the world!!!
I put my name on a post but I had no idea where the dress was or when it would get to me until this summer when I received a message that I was next!!!!! I had no idea!!! I quickly reached out to a woman who had already modeled for me and asked her if she would meet me one more time. She was super sweet but had travelled so far the first time so I decided to meet her a bit closer to her home (NYC is big!) It took us about 45 mins to get from my studio to where we met her.
Selena met us on the Upper West Side on Manhattan where we photographed her under the highway. She looked spectacular in the green dress!
But I felt like I needed to do more for this dress. This set up was beautiful but I felt like it did not SCREAM NYC! So I reached out to another mom. I took her to the place where I grew up, Bay Ridge Brooklyn. This is home to me. This is my NYC. From the 69th street pier you have an amazing view of lower Manhattan.
Here Meena and I created this image using the ferry platform while enjoying the view of NYC behind us. This was such a fun portrait ton get. I will not confirm or deny how we got on the platform... but we had fun!
Both of these moms were amazing and this dress was so much fun to play with!!! I can wait to see where else the TRAVELLING GREEN DRESS goes.
Se more of Christinas fabolus work at: