Photographers Camp 2020

A camp for photographers - by a photographer

Pinkstudio by Angelina Devine camp-1024x534 Photographers camp 2020

The camp-site: It is a scout camp - located in the small rural town of Vork, in Denmark - close to Billund airport.

There are several buildings, with 4 persons rooms (bunk-beds) - you will need to bring: Sleeping bag, sheets and towels. 

Note: There is not a staff, so everyone will have to chip in, on cleaning-duty, kitchen duty and so on.

The price is 200€ pr. person - the event is non-profit, so in case of extra money, this will be spent on the camp (food, drinks, MUA's and so on) - I am still looking for sponsors, to see how awesome we can make this camp.

The ticket is non-refundable, but you can sell it, if for some reason you can't make it.

Program so far:
Friday:  Meet and greet
Saturday: 10-17 workshops / talks
Sunday: 10-17 workshops / talks
Monday: 10-17 workshops / talks
Tuesday: Crying (and saying goodbye)

More details and follow all that is going on: FaceBook Group

Fill out the form below to get your ticket(s):